Wednesday, September 2, 2009

spreading the word

Like I said before, "Inspiration comes in many forms" the trick I guess is allowing yourself to be inspired.

Today I was inspired by an old friend, when I think back she is one of the people that I can say that I've known the longest in my life. We met when I was three years old, a toddler moving out of the row homes in Northeast Philadelphia, entering the new adventure of the sprawling suburbs. We were close in age and she became my sister's close friend, but we shared a lifetime as next-door neighbors growing up as we all do. Had our share of ups and downs but really experienced growing up together. She, like many others I grew up with, still refers to me as Danny, to some, that will never go away. Yesterday she reached out to me as a fellow blogger now 3,000 miles away. Her words of support reminded me once again what I'm trying to accomplish and the importance of staying on the path. I thank you Shady Lady.

This morning I awoke to yet another message from my old friend, doing not just what old friends do but doing what any inspired individual would do if they allowed themselves to be inspired. Her Blog - had a post about me today. I encourage you to check out her blog, not just to read about me but, just to see her blog. Shady Lady has a multitude of posts and an extremely creative site. Believe me, she could find other things to write about. But she didn't today. Today she did her part, she did what she could to spread the word about something she cares about. She read my words, gets it and is doing her part to tell others. Once again I thank you Shady Lady, I am truly humbled.

This all serves as a reminder to me and hopefully to others that real change can be inspired by one but it sometimes takes many more to reach the goal. If you're tuning in to something and you like it,,, share it. If you disagree,,,, communicate that as well. The power of all this technology doesn't have to stifle our communication skills, it can and should enhance it, allowing our words to be heard, louder than ever before.


1 comment:

Shady Lady said...

The internet can be a powerful tool. Although they didn't comment, I know that some of my friends and readers have been to your blog.

I've got you in my reader now, so I'll see when you post updates. I'll be sure to link to your website once it's up and running.

You are doing an amazing thing. I am so very impressed with the grown up Danny. Perhaps we'll meet again one day. Sending love to you and your family.