Tuesday, September 15, 2009

yard work therapy

Some people pay others to take care of their lawn, some people pay others to listen to their thoughts and sort out their problems. Not me. I use the power of what I call yard work therapy. I find yard work to be very therapeutic. Really,, it gives me time to focus on my thoughts, allowing me to organize other tasks at hand. I spent hours this past weekend trimming and planting at the daycare my wife runs and an equal amount of time at my home. Hours of work means hours of thought. Here's a little more insight.

1. The Board of Directors for Each One for US All is now complete. In the midst of ripping out weeds in the flower bed on Pennsylvania Ave in Morrisville, PA,,, I determined my final selection.

2. The list of key contributing corporations has been determined. As I planted a new maple tree smack dab in the center of that very same flower bed, my top 5 prospective targets came into view.

3. A new idea for the formatting of my website was created. Something about the hum of that weed-whacker really gets me thinking.

I guess it all comes down to who you are. Some people find they think best with isolation and silence. Not me,,, give me a lawn mower and a patch of land needing some attention and I can solve any problem at hand.



John Parsons said...

Dan, Great post and congrats on moving some ideas forward! I love the yardwork (took it back from landscaper this year). Being in sales, as I am, there are not alot of times to sit back and look at something and say "I did that and it looks good". Working on our lawn (needs a cut by the way) allows me to work at a task and see a definative result when I am finished. I am a big fan of "Lawn therapy". Speak to you soon, John

Discovery Kids Camp said...

Thanks John,
I'm with you. It's great to feel a little self accomplishment every now and then as we go through the day by day. I appreciate the feedback and look forward to seeing you soon.

timothy Haney said...

Hey Mr Decker,
It's great to see that everything is starting to come together for you. If there's anything i can do to help let me know. Especially with the landscaping haha.
Good luck with everything

RobSims said...

Don't laugh, and this is tough to admit, being a rugged American male and all, but I get that "clear my head" feeling when I hang out laundry. Outside, sun's out, keeping busy. That's when good ideas happen. Maybe I should actually do laundry more than twice a year. Good post.

Discovery Kids Camp said...

I love it Rob. Any way we can clear our minds to deal with the day to day is a good thing. Don't forget the fabric softener.