Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the new identity, t-shirts anyone?

The list seems never ending when it comes to what needs to be done when forming a new business. This especially stands true when you're choosing your identity or branding as they say. I knew from the start that Each One for US All needed something powerful, a statement of it's own. Something recognizable when seen,,,, who am I kidding, I just wanted something that would look cool on a T-Shirt. So here it is,,, I'm thinking this will work on any color shirt in one color or two as you see it but I'm open to suggestions and I'm willing to produce one for anyone who wants one. Just send me your size and mailing address in the comment section below and I'll be sure to oblige.
A huge thank you goes out to my longtime friend and colleague Leigh Woolston Karsch who created this artwork. She was able to show me in 5 minutes with a bic pen and a cocktail napkin that she understood my vision as she always seems to do. Leigh and I met in my previous life in the print world. In fact I knew her when she was only known as Leigh Woolston and she's one of those people who knows what she knows, owns it and doesn't make you feel bad about not knowing the same thing. She will take the time to help you understand but make you feel like you understood all the while. Do yourself a favor and check out her business at Taking wedding and special event planning to a new creative level. Thanks again Leigh,,, you're too cool.

Another special thanks goes out to my one true inspiration and the love in my world, Jacqueline. You listen, you suggest, you challenge, you care, you believe. I couldn't do this without the love you show everyday. You've put me back on track so many times,,,, thanks again for this one.


1 comment:

Valerie League said...

How much are your t-shirts?