Sunday, February 28, 2010

a night of change

A founder of a nonprofit organization walks into a bar with twenty balloons in one hand and a basket containing a bird house and a duck in the other,,, the bartender says.....

Each One for US All has officially put its first fund-raising event in the books. The night was filled with friends, food and most of all FUN, all for a great cause, to support others in need. The Pines Tavern of Bristol, PA was the backdrop for the event, owned by my good friend and neighbor Larry Warren. Larry along with his entire staff made sure all were taken care of and provided me with some much needed stress reduction as the start of the event drew closer. Larry has a way of doing that, he's one of those positive forces you're lucky to stumble upon. Never does he have a bad word to say about anything and his relaxed demeanor just rubs off on you and sets you at ease.
We had some great support from local businesses and friends around the area who were kind enough to donate some fantastic items for our silent auction. We received sports memorabilia from the Philadelphia Phillies and Eagles, gift cards from local shops and restaurants, beautiful jewelry and a last minute guitar which took in the largest donation of the night. (Thank you Jim Donahue, for reaching out and for your generosity, the SVK Les Paul was beautiful, I owe you one my friend.)
We topped off the evening with a 50/50 drawing that the winner donated back to Each One without hesitation (Cary, Steve said it best, you are a mensch.)

A Saturday night of fun combined with awareness that raises money for others in need is a success as far as I'm concerned. What I take from it is what inspires me most. As people, we do want to help others, it's our nature. I thank all of you who joined in on inspiring me once again by showing how we are there for each other.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, I really enjoyed the conversation and the support you received. Well done! Rob